Sunday, December 27, 2009

Lady Shovehole's Cirsute Hunt is cut short

Boxing Day saw Lady Shovehole's huge ancestral spread once again play host to the Cirsute Hunt. The event nearly ended in disaster after spectators, who had turned out in their hundreds, spooked keen horsewoman Jules Misdrinker's big colt Trojan, causing her to go down. Shaken but unhurt, Misdrinker swallowed her pride then remounted, to finish a now shortened course.

This year's hunt, likely to be the last before the ban is overturned, attracted an unprecedented crowd of both protesters and supporters in equal numbers.

"It's my pre-laid scent," said the recently engaged and soon to be Helena Smarry-Monk, Hunt Organiser. "Clearly it took the hounds and riders too close to onlookers, but despite the fall sustained by Jules, the day has been a huge success and we are all looking forward to next year's event already."

Friday, December 25, 2009

Season's Greetings!

Blessings and glad tidings to all the residents of Pranker's Wycke. This year Father Ruckable and Sister Foundly will be joined by Vicar Dirgin and Rector Fuelgood from Tumonme City. At 11am they will lead a Christmas Day Service from Mitzmaid Cloister. All are welcome.

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Haysecks seeking new partner for foursome

Retired rugby captain Gavin Haysecks is in need of a new partner for the forthcoming PWGA Pro-Celebrity Golf Open Championship after his pro-partner Austin Lanus was forced to pull out with a broken bone sustained during an earlier practice session.

“Obviously it was a massive blow,” said Haysecks, “and I’m hugely disappointed it had to end this way. It was great to experience his mastery first hand and I certainly learnt a few new tricks I’m looking forward to trying out when I get back home to Biddlewith Falls.”

Lanus, who dominated the game in the mid 80s, was famous for his insatiable hard-driving approach which won him the admiration and respect of fans and fellow pros alike. Former PWGA champion and long time friend Sandy Rexgod spoke warmly of Lanus’ impact on the sport.

“I remember the first time I played with Austin. Such a mixture of arrogance, confidence and down-right brute force. At every tee he’d just casually drop his balls in the box, grip his enormous wood and with an almighty swing, slap them into the middle of next week. It didn’t matter how tight the approach or what obstacles stood between him and the prize, he’d just go at it stroke after stroke, and invariable sunk it before the rest of us had even got within touching distance of the fringe.”

“I guess it’s the price you pay when you swing like I do,” mused a philosophical Lanus when asked about his injury. “As you know, I’ve never shied away from a bit of rough, and I was convinced if I pulled out the big-dog and gave it some stick I could force my way through to the hole. Unfortunately I snagged my head on the down-stroke and the old shaft simply snapped under the pressure.”

“It used to spring back when I was younger, but perhaps age is finally catching up with me,” he added waving his cast in resignation. “The docs tell me it will heal in time, but I guess I may need to reign in my enthusiasm in future”.

With only 3 days to go before the tournament opens, Haysecks now faces an uphill task trying to find someone to fill the enormous hole left by Lanus' withdrawal.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Letters #2

An unexpected coupling

Dear Residents

Just a quick note to thank all those who attended our ballroom dancing display on Thursday evening, nearly all the proceeds from which will go towards Sheila Fitt-Cumming’s ongoing Brown Trout effort. I am obligated to mention Kyle Vunt and the other lawyers who, for a fee, gave us Mefed Chambers when we realised rather late in the day that the Pranker’s Wycke Ringers were using the church hall.

I must also thank our very special guests, national Latin champion Blake U. Mead from High Drumping with his enormously talented troupe, who gave us a spirited display. Perfectly choreographed, delightfully seductive and dripping in physicality, one could almost smell and taste the passion. At the heart of the action was Blake’s partner Rose Pudely, who met embrace after embrace with unrelenting enthusiasm, before the final coming together and spectacular finish. It was, quite simply, breathtaking. 

I would also like to thank our very own impromptu coupling; Vicar Dirgin and Jaymie Lingerly. Having watched the professionals, Vicar Dirgin was overcome by an urge to get ‘stuck in’ as he told me afterwards. Equally aroused by our visiting virtuosos, Jaymie followed Vicar Dirgin’s lead and took to the floor. Spurred on by an excited audience, our brave couple launched themselves into a passionate duel. Nervous initially, her facial expressions almost pained, Jaymie was at times caught off balance by Vicar Dirgin’s cocksure embraces. She loosened up however as the movements quickened and tightened. Old hand Vicar Dirgin remained stiff throughout but did not disappoint with his legendary ganchos, whilst his ingénue thrilled us with her verdant cunitas. What an unexpected treat!

We look forward to seeing you at this year’s pantomime. If you need transport or would like to help out please do let me know ASAP.

Joan Mentley